— There are 5 records in the database —
Comprehensive Peace Agreement Held between Government of Nepal and Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
Year:2006 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN (M)) Country / Territory:Nepal PDF:Nepali, English
Comment: In the Preamble the parties express their commitment towards Human Rights and IHL. Article 5 "Ceasefire" includes a prohibition of mining. Furthermore, the parties guarantee free movement to NGOs, commit to allow voluntary return of displaced persons and guarantee rehabilitation and reintegration of displaced persons. See also Article 7 "Human Rights, Fundamental Rights and Adherence to Humanitarian Law".
Agreement on Monitoring of the Management of Arms and Armies
Year:2006 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN (M)) Country / Territory:Nepal PDF:English
Comment: Especially Article 1.1 "Principles" concerning the prohibition to recruit children, Article 4.1.2 "Weapons storage and control" concerning mine action and Article 5 "Compliance with the Agreement" enumerating prohibited acts of violence and violations of the agreement, as well as permitted activities such as humanitarian relief and demining.
12 Point of Understanding
Year:2005 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN (M)) Country / Territory:Nepal PDF:Unknown
Comment: In point 8 the parties commit their respect towards Human Rights.
Ceasefire Code of Conduct
Year:2006 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN (M)) Country / Territory:Nepal PDF:English
Eight-Point Agreement
Year:2006 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN (M)) Country / Territory:Nepal PDF:English
Comment: In Point 2 the parties express their commitment to fundamental rights and human rights.