Other resources
A number of other organizations and individuals have published studies, articles and resources related to the subject of ANSA commitments:
"Internal Control: Codes of Conduct within Insurgent Armed Groups", Dr. Olivier Bangerter Occasional Paper, the Small Arms Survey, 2012.
"Monitoring Armed Non-State Actor Compliance with Humanitarian Norms: a Look at International Mechanisms and the Geneva Call Deed of Commitment”, Pascal Bongard and Jonathan Somer, International Review of the Red Cross, Volume 93, Number 883, September 2011.
The Law of Non-International Armed Conflict, Sandesh Sivakumaran, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, 696 pages.
Customary IHL database of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Geneva Call encourages further research on ANSA commitments, in particular in terms of consistency with international standards and implementation in practice. It also encourages humanitarian organizations and other actors to hold ANSAs accountable to what they have committed or agreed to.