Please note that the documents contained in the database are presented for information purposes only. The publication of these documents does not in any way imply endorsement by Geneva Call or its partners of their content, nor does it purport that the commitments made by ANSAs are compliant with IHL and IHRL, nor that they have been implemented and respected in practice.
Furthermore, the publication of these documents does not imply that their content is in compliance with IHL, only that they deal with topics or themes regulated under IHL and IHRL. Geneva Call did not play a role in the development of these documents and does not play any role in their monitoring or implementation, with the exception of the Deeds of Commitment under Geneva Call. The views expressed in the documents should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the opinion of Geneva Call.
References to this database should be cited as Geneva Call, Their Words: the Directory of Armed Non-State Actor Humanitarian Commitments, followed by the URL (theirwords.org) and the date last accessed.