— There are 4 records in the database —
Draft Declaration on Landmine Renunciation Discussed between KLA Leadership and Geneva Call Delegates
Year:1999 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) Country / Territory:Kosovo, Serbia PDF:English
Order not to Exceed Authority and Cease Abusing Command Position
Year:1998 Type of document:Internal Rules and Regulations ANSA:Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) Country / Territory:Kosovo, Serbia PDF:English
Undertaking of Demilitarisation and Transformation by the UCK
Year:1999 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) Country / Territory:Kosovo, Serbia PDF:English
Comment: KLA agrees not to place mines or to use explosive devices and not to attack civilians and civilian property (Article 10). Furthermore, KLA agrees to mark their minefields (Article 14 (a)) as well as to clear them (Article 23 (b)).
Interim Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo - The Rambouillet Agreement
Year:1999 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), Serbia (Republic of) Country / Territory:Kosovo, Serbia, Socialist Federal Republic of Yougoslavia PDF:English
Comment: See, in particular, the Framework (pages 4 - 8), and Chapter 7.
The document is structured as follows:
Cover Letter to the UN Secretary General from the Permanent Representative of France to the UN.
Chapter 1 - Constitution of Kosovo.
Chapter 2 - Police and Civil Public Security.
Chapter 3 - Conduct and Supervision of Elections.
Chapter 4 - Economic Issues.
Chapter 4 A - Humanitarian Assistance Reconstruction and Economic Development.
Chapters 5 - Implementation I.
Chapter 6 - Ombudsman.
Chapter 7 - Implementation II: includes provisions on the involvement of the UN Security Council and NATO, demilitarized zones, possession of weapons (including mines, missiles etc) by various forces, border control, and release of prisoners amongst other topics.
Chapter 8 - Amendment, Comprehensive Assessment, and Final Clauses.