— There are 84 records in the database —
Constitution of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement
Year:2008 Type of document:Internal Rules and Regulations ANSA:Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLM/SPLA) Country / Territory:Sudan, South Sudan PDF:English
Comment: Especially Chapter II "Guiding Principles and Objectives of the SPLM" and Chapter IV "Gender and Affirmative Action" on the rights of women.
Agreement on Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration
Year:2008 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Lord's Resistance Army/Lord's Resistance Movement (LRA/LRM) Country / Territory:Uganda PDF:English
Comment: Annex to the Agreement on a Permanent Ceasefire signed in Juba, 2008.
Notably Article 2.6 on the recruitment and use of children and Article 2.11 as well as 2.12 on LRA/M's commitment to ensure the release of women and children. See also Article 2.14 and 2.15 the special rights of women and article 2.16 on the special needs of protected persons.
Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in the Philippines between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines
Year:1998 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) Country / Territory:Philippines PDF:English
Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement
Year:1999 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Mouvement de Libération du Congo (MLC), Rassemblement Congolais pour la Democratie (RCD) Country / Territory:Congo, the Democratic Republic of the PDF:English
Comment: In the Preamble the parties express their determination to ensure the respect to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the Additional protocols of 1977. Article I "Ceasefire" § 3 c) prohibits all acts of violence against the civilian population including recruitment and use of child soldiers as well as sexual violence. In Article 3 "Principles of the Agreement" the parties agree to guarantee the freedom of movement, to release persons detained or taken hostage, to exchange PoWs, to facilitate humanitarian assistance. Under Article 3 the laying of mines is prohibited.
Respuesta del ELN a la Carta de las organizaciones sociales del Espacio Regional de Paz del Cauca al ELN
Year:2012 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) Country / Territory:Colombia PDF:Spanish
Comment: Public letter of the ELN to the social organizations in Cauca in which the ELN expands on humanitarian issues.
NDFP Declaration and Program of Action for the Rights, Protection and Welfare of Children - Booklet
Year:2012 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) Country / Territory:Philippines PDF:English
Comment: Compilation of public statements by the NDFP regarding the protection of children.
Submission of the Chin National Front to the Geneva Call publication "In Their Words: Perspectives of Armed non-State Actors on the Protection of Children from the Effects of Armed Conflict"
Year:2010 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA) Country / Territory:Burma/Myanmar PDF:English
Prohibiting Recruitment
Year:2012 Type of document:Internal Rules and Regulations ANSA:Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Country / Territory:Sudan PDF:English
Deed of Commitment on Protection of Child Soldiers in Armed Conflict
Year:2009 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA) Country / Territory:Burma/Myanmar PDF:English
Memorandum of Understanding on the Application of IHL between Croatia and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Year:1991 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Croatia (Republic of) , Serbia (Republic of) Country / Territory:Socialist Federal Republic of Yougoslavia, Croatia, Serbia PDF:English
Deed of Commitment under Geneva Call for the Prohibition of Sexual Violence in Situations of Armed Conflict and Towards the Elimination of Gender Discrimination - KNF
Year:2014 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Kuki National Front (KNF) Country / Territory:India PDF:English
Deed of Commitment under Geneva Call for the Prohibition of Sexual Violence in Situations of Armed Conflict and Towards the Elimination of Gender Discrimination - Hazzm Movement
Year:2014 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Hazzm Movement Country / Territory:Syrian Arab Republic PDF:English
Deed of Commitment under Geneva Call for the Prohibition of Sexual Violence in Situations of Armed Conflict and Towards the Elimination of Gender Discrimination - YPG/ YPJ
Year:2014 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:People's Protection Units/ Women's Protection Units/Democratic Self-Administration in Rojava (YPG/ YPJ) Country / Territory:Syrian Arab Republic PDF:English
Deed of Commitment under Geneva Call for the Prohibition of Sexual Violence in Situations of Armed Conflict and Towards the Elimination of Gender Discrimination - CNF/CNA
Year:2014 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA) Country / Territory:Burma/Myanmar PDF:English
Deed of Commitment under Geneva Call for the Prohibition of Sexual Violence in Situations of Armed Conflict and Towards the Elimination of Gender Discrimination - ZRO
Year:2013 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Zomi Re-unification Organisation (ZRO) Country / Territory:India PDF:English
Accord d'Arusha pour la Paix et la Reconciliation au Burundi
Year:2000 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Front pour la Libération Nationale (FROLINA), Conseil National pour la Défense de la Démocratie - Forces de Défense de la Démocratie (CNDD-FDD), Parti pour la Libération du Peuple Hutu - Forces Nationales de Libération (PALIPEHUTU-FLN) Country / Territory:Burundi PDF:French, English
Comment: Notably Protocol II "Democracy and Good Governance", Article 1 - 3 concerning Human Rights and fundamental guarantees; Protocol III "Peace and Security for All", Chapter III "Permanent Ceasefire and Cessation oh Hostilities" prohibits all acts of violence against the civilian population; Protocol IV "Reconstruction and Development", Chapter I "Rehabilitation and Resettlement of Refugees and Sinistres".
Women's Revolutionary Law
Year:1994 Type of document:Internal Rules and Regulations ANSA:Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) Country / Territory:Mexico PDF:English
Comment: Published in El Despertador Mexicano by the EZLN and disbributed in San Cristóbal de las Casas.
Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA) between the Government of Indonesia and GAM
Year:2002 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Free Acheh Movement/Acheh Sumatra National Liberation Front (GAM/ASNLF) Country / Territory:Indonesia PDF:English
Ceasefire Agreement between the Transitional Government of Burundi and the Conseil National pour la Défense de la Démocratie-Forces de Défense de la Démocratie
Year:2002 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Conseil National pour la Défense de la Démocratie - Forces de Défense de la Démocratie (CNDD-FDD) Country / Territory:Burundi PDF:English
Comment: Also known as the Burundi Ceasefire Agreement.
Notably Article II: release of all political prisoners, prohibition of mine-laying operations and of operations to obstruct demining, cessation of acts of violence against the civilian population.