— There are 161 records in the database —
Acte d'Engagement II
Year:2008 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Congrès National pour la Défense du Peuple (CNDP), Patriotes Résistants Congolais - Forces d'Autodéfense Populaire (PARECO-FAP), Maï Maï Kasindien, Maï Maï Kifuafua, Maï-Maï Vurondo, Maï Maï Mongol, Maï Maï Rwenzori, Simba Maï-Maï, Union des Jeunes Patriotes Sacrifiés (UJPS) Country / Territory:Congo, the Democratic Republic of the PDF:French
Comment: Notably Article III "Des Principes Humanitaires et du Respect des Droits de l'Homme".
Agreement Relating to the Establishment of a Protected Zone Around the Hospital of Osijek
Year:1991 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Croatia (Republic of) , Serbia (Republic of) Country / Territory:Socialist Federal Republic of Yougoslavia, Croatia, Serbia PDF:English
Agreement on Implementing the Cease-Fire and on Modalities of Disarmament
Year:1993 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM), Southern Somali National Movement/Somali National Alliance (SSNM/SNA), United Somali Congress (USC), United Somali Congress/Somali National Alliance (USC/SNA), Somali National Front (SNF), Somali Africans Muki Organization (SAMO), Somali Democratic Alliance (SDA), Somali Democratic Movement (SDM), Somali National Democratic Union (SNDU), Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF), United Somali Front (USF) Country / Territory:Somalia PDF:English
Comment: Supplement to the General Agreement signed in Addis Ababa on 8 January 1993.
Communication du Représentant du Mouvement Nigérien pour la Justice (MNJ) au cours de la deuxième rencontre des signataires de l'Acte d'engagement auprès de l'Appel de Genève à l'adhésion à une interdiction totale des mines antipersonnel et à une coopération dans l'action contre les mines
Year:2009 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Mouvement Nigérien pour la Justice (MNJ) Country / Territory:Niger PDF:French
Footpaths to Democracy: Toward a New Sierra Leone
Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Revolutionary United Front (RUF) Country / Territory:Sierra Leone PDF:English
Comment: See pp. 4 - 5.
Protocol of Agreement on the Repatriation of Rwandan Refugees and the Resettlement of Displaced Persons of 1993
Year:1993 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Front Patriotique Rwandais (FPR) Country / Territory:Rwanda PDF:English
Respuesta del ELN a la Carta de las organizaciones sociales del Espacio Regional de Paz del Cauca al ELN
Year:2012 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) Country / Territory:Colombia PDF:Spanish
Comment: Public letter of the ELN to the social organizations in Cauca in which the ELN expands on humanitarian issues.
Nairobi Peace Agreement
Year:1985 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:National Resistance Movement/National Resistance Army (NRM/NRA) Country / Territory:Uganda PDF:English
Comment: See notably Article 1(f) on the prohibition of acts in violation of human rights and 1 (i) on the application of the Geneva Convention of 1949.
Also known as "Uganda Peace Talks Agreement for the Restoration of Peace to the Sovereign State of the Republic of Uganda".
An Order Integrating into the Code of Conduct of the BIAF, the Commitment Made by the MILF with the Geneva Call, and for other Purposes
Year:2010 Type of document:Internal Rules and Regulations ANSA:Moro Islamic Liberation Front/Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (MILF/BIAF) Country / Territory:Philippines PDF:English
Comment: Also known as General Order No. 3.
Order to Adhere to the International Humanitarian Law relevant to Landmines
Year:2009 Type of document:Internal Rules and Regulations ANSA:Moro Islamic Liberation Front/Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (MILF/BIAF) Country / Territory:Philippines PDF:English
Cease-fire Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 5 October 1995
Year:1995 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:The Republic of Srpska (Srpska), The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Country / Territory:Socialist Federal Republic of Yougoslavia, Bosnia and Herzegovina PDF:English
The General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina & Annexes
Year:1995 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia (Republic of) , The Republic of Srpska (Srpska) Country / Territory:Serbia, Socialist Federal Republic of Yougoslavia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia PDF:English
Comment: - Annex 1A: Agreement on the Military Aspects of the Peace Settlement - p.4
- Annex 1B: Agreement on Regional Stabilization - p.17
- Annex 2: Agreement on Inter-Entity Boundary Line and Related Issues (with appendix) - p.20
- Annex 3: Agreement on Elections p.23
- Annex 4: Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina - p.27
- Annex 5: Agreement on Arbitration - p.38
- Annex 6: Agreement on Human Rights - p.39
- Annex 7: Agreement on Refugees and Displaced Persons - p.46
- Annex 8: Agreement on Commission to Preserve National Monuments - p.52
- Annex 9: Agreement on Establishment of Bosnia and Herzegovina Public Corporations - p.55
- Annex 10: Agreement on Civilian Implementation - p.57
- Annex 11: Agreement on International Police Force - p.61
Agreement No. 1 at the Initiative of the International Committee of the Red Cross
Year:1992 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Serbian Democratic Party (SDS), The Republic of Srpska (Srpska), The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Party of Democratic Action (SDA), Croatian Democratic Community (HDZ) Country / Territory:Socialist Federal Republic of Yougoslavia, Bosnia and Herzegovina PDF:English
Agreement on implementation and monitoring mechanisms
Year:2008 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Lord's Resistance Army/Lord's Resistance Movement (LRA/LRM) Country / Territory:Uganda PDF:English
The N'Sele Ceasefire Agreement between the Government of the Rwandese Republic and the Rwandese Patriotic Front, as amended at Gbadolite, 16 september 1991, and at Arusha, 12 July 1992
Year:1992 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Front Patriotique Rwandais (FPR) Country / Territory:Rwanda PDF:English
Letter Sent by a Commandant of the Sudan People's Liberation Army to the ELN
Year:2004 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLM/SPLA) Country / Territory:Sudan, South Sudan PDF:English
Declaración sobre el Derecho Internacional Humanitario
Year:1995 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) Country / Territory:Colombia PDF:Spanish
General Order No. 3 : An Order to Effect the Integration Into the Code of Conduct of the Bangsamoro Islamic Amred Forces (BIAF), the Total Ban on Anti-personnel Mines and for Cooperation of Mine Action Pursuant to the Deed of Commitment signed by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) under Geneva Call and for Other Purpose
Year:2011 Type of document:Internal Rules and Regulations ANSA:Moro Islamic Liberation Front/Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (MILF/BIAF) Country / Territory:Philippines PDF:Tagalog, English
Comment: Both documents contain the order in two languages: the Tagalog original and the English translation.
Agreement on Permanent Ceasefire and Security Arrangements Implementation Modalities
Year:2004 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLM/SPLA) Country / Territory:Sudan, South Sudan PDF:English
Comment: Part I - Ceasefire Arrangements
Part II - The Armed Forces
Part III - Demobilization, Disarmament, and Re-Integration
Among other provisions of interest, see
Article 1.8: the parties commit to release POWs and persons deprived of their liberty as a result of war.
Article 1.9: reference is made to the role of the ICRC in organizing prisoner release.
Article 5 "Principles of the Ceasefire" :the parties agree to cease the laying of mines and the use of force against civilians.
Article 8: further provisions on landmines and related weapons and on humanitarian mine action as well as on other humanitarian activities.
Article 10: enumerates acts which constitute violations to the agreement such as "violations of human rights, humanitarian law and obstruction of freedom of movement", sabotage and the "recruitment of child soldiers".
See also in the Database, "Machakos Protocol," and in Particular, "Agreement on Security Arrangements During the Interim Period, 25 September 2003."