— There are 153 records in the database —
Deed of Commitment under Geneva Call for the Protection of Children from the Effetcs of Armed Conflict - Kurdistan Organization of the Communist Party
Year:2012 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Kurdistan Organization of the Communist Party (Komalah) Country / Territory:Iran, Islamic Republic of PDF:English
Deed of Commitment under Geneva Call for the Protection of Children from the Effects of Armed Conflict - Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan
Year:2012 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) Country / Territory:Iran, Islamic Republic of PDF:English
Layeha for the Mujahideen - 2010 Version
Year:2010 Type of document:Internal Rules and Regulations ANSA:Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan/Taliban (IEA) Country / Territory:Afghanistan PDF:English, Pashtun
Comment: See especially prohibited acts in Section 12. This document contains translations of the 2006, 2009 and 2010 version of the Layeha for the Mujahideen.
KNU to Observe One-Day Ceasefire on International Day of Peace
Year:2011 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army (KNU/KNLA) Country / Territory:Burma/Myanmar PDF:English
Statement on the Use of Karen Civilians for Forced Labor and as Human Shield by Burma Army
Year:2011 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army (KNU/KNLA) Country / Territory:Burma/Myanmar PDF:English
Statement of the 2nd Central Committee Meeting: The 3rd General Conference Tenure Chin National Front
Year:2005 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA) Country / Territory:Burma/Myanmar PDF:English
Comment: See, in particular, point 3.
The New Taliban Codex:Mullah Sabir, the top Taliban leadership recently held a conclave at a secret location. What was the mood like? Interview by Die Weltwoche
Year:2006 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan/Taliban (IEA) Country / Territory:Afghanistan PDF:English
Comment: In response to the question "How strong are the Taliban today"?, Mullah Sabir states:
"We have about 15,000 men. Forty percent are not really Taliban, have not graduated
from any religious school; they are youngsters who join our ranks in sympathy".
This is taken as an indication of probable recruitment of child soldiers by the group.
PKK 5th Congress Resolutions
Year:1995 Type of document:Internal Rules and Regulations ANSA:Kurdistan Workers' Party/People's Defence Forces (PKK/HPG) Country / Territory:Turkey PDF:Turkish, English
Comment: Unofficial translations of pages 48, 49, 50, 51, 78, 93, 94, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 249 and 250.
Lettre du Gouvernement Provisoire Démocratique Grec au Comité International de la Croix-Rouge
Year:1948 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Gouvernement Provisoire Démocratique Country / Territory:Greece PDF:French
List of Core Principles of PULO's Engagement Rules on the Ground and Activities in Searching for Sustainable Peace in Patani Darussalam
Year:2012 Type of document:Internal Rules and Regulations ANSA:Patani United Liberation Organisation/ Pertubuhan Pembebasan Patani Bersatu (PULO) Country / Territory:Thailand PDF:English
Communication du Représentant du Mouvement Nigérien pour la Justice (MNJ) au cours de la deuxième rencontre des signataires de l'Acte d'engagement auprès de l'Appel de Genève à l'adhésion à une interdiction totale des mines antipersonnel et à une coopération dans l'action contre les mines
Year:2009 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Mouvement Nigérien pour la Justice (MNJ) Country / Territory:Niger PDF:French
Joint Communiqué between the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)
Year:2007 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Moro Islamic Liberation Front/Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (MILF/BIAF) Country / Territory:Philippines PDF:English
Agreement Relating to the Establishment of a Protected Zone Around the Hospital of Osijek
Year:1991 Type of document:Agreements ANSA:Croatia (Republic of) , Serbia (Republic of) Country / Territory:Socialist Federal Republic of Yougoslavia, Croatia, Serbia PDF:English
Contribution of the Karen National Union to the Geneva Call publication "In Their Words: Perspectives of Armed non-State Actors on the Protection of Children from the Effects of Armed Conflict"
Year:2010 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army (KNU/KNLA) Country / Territory:Burma/Myanmar PDF:English
LIFG Recantation Document
Year:2009 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) Country / Territory:Libya PDF:English
Comment: See Chapter 4 "Jihad for the Sake of Allah".
On the NPA’s Alleged Mass Recruitment of Child Guerillas
Year:1999 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) Country / Territory:Philippines PDF:English
Principes de Base Concernant la Démobilisation et la Réinsertion des 2600 Enfants Soldats du RCD
Year:2001 Type of document:Unilateral Declarations and Statements ANSA:Rassemblement Congolais pour la Democratie (RCD) Country / Territory:Congo, the Democratic Republic of the PDF:English